Evento (meeting planner)

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Evento is an application which allows to carry out a survey with the aim of planning events or meetings. You create a form where people can choose between several options.


Evento is developed by RENATER (national telecomunication network for technology, education and research). All Data passing through the platform stay on the university server.


When you create a form with Evento you can define several options:
  • to authorize answering with or without login;
  • to choose dates and hours or free text fields;
  • to receive or not email notifications of each user's answers;
  • to force only one choice or to allow multiple choices;
  • to lock the number of answers (to the form or to a proposition);
  • to allow people to modify their answers (for login people only).

To create an Evento form or answer to a form that requires a login you have to go on the Evento website, chose your academic institution and log in.
Updated on  January 12, 2024