I’m a PhD student
At the Université Grenoble Alpes PhD students are considered in the information system as staff member if their laboratory is part of the UGA.
PhD students access rights
If you are a PhD student and your laboratory is part of the UGA you are considered as a staff member in the information system, therefore you have the same rights and access as the UGA staff to establishment services and tools (staff webmail, staff IT support, etc.)If you need your UGA login details and your laboratory is attached to the UGA you can contact the BIPER representative of your structure (if you know him) or the IT support directly.
As a PhD student you don’t have access to student webmail anymore but you can have access to the staff webmail if you need it and if your laboratory is attached to the UGA. To have access you must request a UGA email address (in the format "@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr") to the BIPER representative of your structure (if you know him) or to the IT support directly.NB: it is not possible to redirect a professional email to a personal email such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.
To consult Zimbra you must use the staff link. To find out more about the webmail, see the "Zimbra (webmail)" staff webpage.
Professional contact details and information system
As a staff member, you have the possibility of updating your profile, your professional contact details and your professional information in the information system.NB : As a doctoral student, you are both registered as a student at UGA, and you are at the same time staff of your thesis laboratory. You therefore have a "Etudiant" profile and a "Personnel" profile. This double profile can be temporary: e.g. if you have finished your studies at the UGA and you are recruited as a staff member, for a few months you will have a double profile until the older one disappears. It is up to you to choose which default profile to use.
Computer equipment temporary loan
As a staff member, you are also entitled to borrow a computer temporarily either for an event, or in case of problems with your own computer, for example. To do this you can contact the IT support.
Updated on January 12, 2024